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Sketching out orthographic normalization with word2vec

Dec 10 2015


My post on rejecting the gender binary showed a way to use word2vec models (or, in theory, any word embedding model) to find paired gendered wordsthat is, words that mean the same thing except that one is used in the context of women, and the other in the context of men.

I think thats a particularly interesting application of the combination of word2vec and vector rejection, but the exact same operations can be applied to more workaday problems in text processing. Heres an example of one way word embeddings might fit into a digital humanities pipeline: orthographically normalizing English-language text from before 1700.

The source base here is a model trained on 25,000 books from EEBO-TCP phase 1. Im using the wordVectors R package I released last month, large amounts of which are code by Jian Li and Tomas Mikolov.

So heres the problem. Early English books undergo an enormous spelling shift in the mid-17th century. This means that a naive search engine will often fail to accurately return results. If you search for, say, have before 1640, its usually spelled then as haue:[^1]


    "database": "tcpworm",

    "plotType": "linechart",

    "method": "return_json",

    "search_limits": {

        "word": ["haue", "have"],

        "date_year": {

            "$lte": 1700,

            "$gte": 1480



    "aesthetic": {

        "x": "decade",

        "y": "WordsPerMillion",

        "color": "*unigram"



What Im going to show here is the word2vec solution for normalizing these spelling to each other. Spelling normalization is not a new problem, and it isnt one I have any reason to think that word2vec is particularly good at solving. On this particular subject matter, Anupam Basu has done far more interesting work. Id honestly be a bit surprised if this method contributes anything to what we already know about normalizing early English text.

The point, rather, is threefold:

  1. That once the model is up and running from three pairs of words, it offers a fairly robust set of word pairings without any specialist knowledge in English orthography. It could just as easily be used to create lists for Russian orthographic reform, or for translating leetspeak, or even to identify certain types of codewords in texts meant to be difficult to search.

  2. This is a source of information on orthography quite distinct from other methods. It doesnt know that unknown and vnkowne look the same; it just places them similarly in space. That means that in a more complicated classification system, this is quite likely to provide a good, fairly independent source of noise.

  3. Interword vectors in word2vec space are fairly robust. A number of people have reasonably asked whether using the model to trace out gender differences only works because gender is such an important feature of language, particularly in the teaching dataset. This shows a completely different domain that is almost equally useful. So the point is that word embedding models show remarkable flexibility as a method for digital humanists to use for exploring large collections of texts. Exploring gendered patterns of language use and standardizing early modern spelling seem like entirely different problems: so its interesting that they can be reduced down a single chunk of code. (What else could this code do? Give me one more example, and maybe Ill try to bundle it into the core package.)

Training a word2vec model on EEBO

OK. First off, heres how I trained a word2vec model on EEBO.

  1. Luckily, I already had a copy of EEBO sitting around as a single text file from building a Bookworm. Andrew Goldstone wrote the code to export from the original XML into the Bookworm format.

Three simple regular expressions remove the initial volume identifier, strip out all punctuation, and switch the text to lowercase. (The last step is optional.)


cat /raid/tcp-texts/generated/eebo-text.tsv | perl -pe s/.*/; s/[^A-Za-zſè-9]/ /g; tr/A-Z/a-z/; > eebo.text

Now it's time to train a model. I started at 10:45; RStudio quickly
froze, but inspecting the process list on my computer showed that the
process was running. I went to bed: the model finished at about 12:15am,
so a little less than two hours later for 25,000 volumes with 5 active




EEBO\_vectors =


As Michael Gavin found with his vectorized model of EEBO, the classic
king-queen-man-woman example does not work. Ironic but perhaps
understandable, given that this is the period that kings and queens
actually referred to individual people for decades at a time.

OK. Let's see if we can do some orthographic normalization here. I'll
limit to just the top 10,000 words to start; this method will work on
larger sets, but may drag.

This looks reasonable. "Design" and "scotch" are presumably just new
words. But we also get a substantial number of vectors along, for
example, the u to v substitution (e.g., 'euen' to 'even'.) Since just a
single vector may be noisy, let's try refining with a slightly longer
list. Note that I try to avoid having multiple words from a single
substitution pattern: if I were to just give it dozens of "u" to "v"
examples, it might extract a vector for *that particular shift* rather
than the broader process of orthographic standardization.

That looks decent to me. Again, I would guess that "business" and
"design" are legimitately new words (new in the sense of widespread
use), but many of these show a nice trend from modern to archaic.

It's not clear to me whether this vector shows "orthographic shifts" or
"temporal change." More likely, it's something closer to the latter--but
that can work as a reasonable proxy.

Now I'll just paste in my code to find gendered synonyms. I'll do this
on a smaller dataset to start, just the 50,000 most common words.

What's the precision here? Based on a random sample, I'd say around 80%.

On its own, this isn't a spectacular method for finding orthographic
normalization. But there are certain cases where it might be good as an
initial filter; and it can be easily combined with other methods which
it will be largely independent of. Using a simple filter on string
distance, we could boost the precision to about 95% without losing much

Some examples from the top hits.

Here are some examples of the sort of mistakes it makes from one
read-through of the 1000 closest matches (a different list than the
random sample above)

### Not even really mistakes

Evidently the English change how they write roman numberals ending in
"4". This could reasonably be called a spelling change.


### Synonyms that might displace each other in time.

-   slavery\<-\>thraldome
-   defeats\<-\>ouerthrowes
-   procur\<-\>receiu
-   unwilling\<-\>loth
-   prohibit\<-\>enioyne
-   inhumanity\<-\>crueltie
-   enormous\<-\>haynous
-   inexpressible\<-\>vnspeakeable
-   mercenaries\<-\>souldiors
-   jovial\<-\>merrie
-   promoted\<-\>aduaunced
-   majestie\<-\>highnesse
-   rabble\<-\>crue
-   impostors\<-\>deceiuers
-   alass\<-\>ah
-   boundaries\<-\>boundes

### Interesting mistakes

These might tell us something about the discourse of the time

-   louvre\<-\>pallace

### Bad mistakes

Places where a spelling change collided with some shift in language to
produce a related word that is probably completely distinct in meaning,
or where both words mean the same.

A few pairs on this list (such as `either<->or` or `on<->upon`) suggest
that maybe I'm being too generous in my hope that synonyms actually
displace each other.

-   glocester\<-\>salisburie
-   vitellius\<-\>seuerus
-   retinue\<-\>entertainement
-   buckingham\<-\>pembrooke
-   ibrahim\<-\>soliman
-   prosecuting\<-\>discouering
-   shilling\<-\>pennie
-   earls\<-\>knights
-   irreparable\<-\>calamitie
-   forbidding\<-\>commaunding
-   or\<-\>eyther
-   cover\<-\>grownd
-   paragraphs\<-\>breuity
-   stupidity\<-\>madnes
-   employing\<-\>indeuours
-   despis\<-\>belou
-   expences\<-\>reuenewes
-   on\<-\>vpon
-   sixteen\<-\>eighteene
-   sixty\<-\>fiftie

[^1]: Note that this chart is less striking than the ones Basu makes:
    I'm not sure what the problem with my EEBO set is. This EEBO thing
    is emphatically not yet a ready-for-prime-time Bookworm.